Barry Bio PicDeep down, everyone has the desire to lead.  It may be driven by power, influence, or even control, but at the end of the day, we all desire to be part of the decision making process.  Why?  Because that’s what will determine our legacy.  The decisions we make, the impact we create, the footprints we leave behind, will all determine our significance here on earth.

Every day we are provided opportunities, or invitations, to lead. Unfortunately, our culture has taught us to minimize risk and protect our assets.  Leadership, at its’ core, challenges these ideas of safety and security.  Leading others is to put them first and us second.

Growth, success, and most importantly significance, come when we step out of that safe area in our life, out of our comfort zone.  You can’t become someone you’ve never been before without doing something you’ve never done before.

???????????????????????????????This picture of me with the little boy provided the inspiration for me to answer my invitation to lead and to write this book.  In June of 2013, I stretched and stepped outside of my comfort zone and finally understood what my purpose was.  A purpose to build what matters and what matters is people.  The experience I had that afternoon in Guatemala City helped me to understand the difference between success and significance.

My significance will come from empowering and equipping others to realize theirs.  Leadership by Invitation is about finding that significance that we are all capable of, yet rarely achieve.  Someone out there is waiting for you to lead them, to believe in them.  The time to answer your invitation is now.

Welcome to the Leadership by Invitation home page.  Leadership by Invitation – How to RSVP and Embrace Your Role as a LEADER will be available in April, 2014.  You have officially been invited to lead.

Will You Show Up?